Pokemon R.O.W.E is a ROM Hack of the popular Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Emerald, created by the talented developer rioluwott. This hack is now readily available for download, Pokemon R.O.W.E offering exciting new features and gameplay elements for fans of the Pokemon franchise. As of its latest update on February 28, 2023, players can dive into a world of new challenges and adventures that are sure to captivate and entertain them for hours on end.
Download Pokemon R.O.W.E. GBA ROM Pre-Patched
- Creator: rioluwott
- Version: v1.8.3
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: February 28, 2023
rioluwott : My initial project, Pokemon R.O.W.E, was launched in 2021. This game aimed to offer an open world experience of the Hoenn region with a range of Quality of Life enhancements. The game was designed to make team building easier, without the need to breed for specific Pokémon, and provide players with numerous replay options via various gameplay modes. Additionally, all Pokémon were accessible from the beginning, allowing players to experiment with different team combinations. The game also incorporated features from later games, including Wondertrade, Following Pokémon, and updated mechanics up to Gen 8.
Additionally, make sure to take a look at Pokemon Rutile Ruby and Star Sapphire!
- Explore the region in any order you want.
- Over 450 Pokémon species to choose from.
- Trainer Color Customization.
- QoL Changes that make it easier to get good IVs/Abilities for your team.
- Egg Move Tutor.
- Mystery Gift System.
- New Game+ mode.
- Multiple Title Screens.
- Achievements.
- Choice between 9 starters or receive one at random.
- 3 Different Game Difficulties – Easy, Normal, and Hard.
- Regional Music Options – Choose between Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh Music.
- Randomized Mode.
- Double Battle Mode – Every fight is a Double Battle.
- Inverse Mode – Inverted type chart.
- Perfect IVs Mode – Everything has 31 IVs.
- No EVs Mode – Nothing has EVs.
- Random Party Mode.
- Little Cup-like Mode.
- No need for HMs.
- In-Game Wonder Trades.
- Nature Mints.
- Change the Poke Balls of already caught Mons.
- Pokémon from all 8 Generations.
- Auto Run Options.
- Up to 120 TMs.
- Physical/Special Split – This can be removed by an in-game mode.
- Daily Gym Leader Rematches.
- Level scaling based on your number of badges with an evolution system for both trainers and wild Pokémon.
- Reusable TMs.
- Mega Evolutions.
- DexNav to help find rare Pokémon (by ghoulslash’s).
- Gen 8 Flying Taxis from the beginning (by surskitty).
- Name Rater, Move Reminder, Move Deleter, and IV Checker available at all Pokémon Centers.
- Decapitalized Text (by Wyrserth and AsparagusEdu).
- Press B to Surf faster (by ghoulslash).
- Soft Level Cap in Hard Mode (by PokémonCrazy).
- Gen 7 Daycare System.
- Beautiful and useful Pokedex (by TheXaman).
- Gen 6 Exp. Share that you can always turn off (by Lunos).
- Fly without the need for the move by having a Pokémon that can learn it in your party (by Buffelsaft).
- Eon Flute.
- And more…
- Gym Leaders have been reworked to be stronger and their teams are now modified based on your badge count.
- If you have enough badges, Gym Leaders will give you all the rewards at once. Otherwise, you will only receive some rewards, but you can rematch them with all the badges to get everything you missed.
- All Gym Leaders now have a Pokémon next to them that changes depending on the number of badges you have.
- In hard mode, Gym Leaders require you to beat all the trainers in their Gym before battling them.
- All Gym trainers have been reworked to be stronger.
- A bug where Gym trainers used the normal trainers’ levels has been fixed (except for Petalburg Gym).
- After defeating a Gym Leader, Scott will call you and inform you of the things you unlocked or give you helpful information.
- Talking to the Gym Guide after defeating the leader will give you the option to be taken directly to the Gym Leader.
- Talking to the Gym Leader after a rematch will give you the option to battle all the Gym trainers again.
- Some other trainer teams have been modified.
- Opposite day and Trickster now remove the field effect they cause if you send them when the field is already up.
- Shiny Axew with Lunge is now available as a Mystery Gift, and you can get it right away with no badges.
- The Bike now changes to Acro when used from the Bag instead of the Start Menu.
- Mareep now appears in accessible areas of the game, not just inaccessible ones like Kanto.
- Some bug fixes and changes that were not specified have also been made.
- Resolved the issue with the move tutor menu being unresponsive when there are more than 40 moves available.
- Corrected the hidden power type calculation for the PSS modification in No Split Mode.
- Rectified the problem with the PP text in battles displaying as Current PP/Current PP instead of Current PP/Max PP.
- Granted Scale Shot to a few Pokemon that can learn it as a Tutor move.
- Given all Tutor moves to Mew now that the glitch has been fixed.
- Replaced the Mystery Gift with an AZ Floette Rerun, which can only be obtained after capturing Rayquaza.
- Implemented some other minor improvements and bug fixes.
- Four Island and Icefall Cave have been added to the game.
- The signature move system has been reworked. Signature moves now have a blue font in the summary screen and display correct power, type, and custom descriptions. Their power, accuracy, type, and effectiveness will also show in battle. Hidden power type effectiveness in battle is now correctly calculated. Move types for Pokémon with certain abilities are shown correctly in the summary screen, and their type effectiveness is calculated correctly in battle. Some Alolan/Galarian forms have been moved to Sevii.
- Meganium has been given a signature move called Petal Blizzard, which has a 100% chance to lower the enemy’s attack.
- Typhlosion has been given a signature move called Eruption, which always does 60 damage regardless of its HP. Its hidden ability has been changed from Adaptability to White Smoke.
- Feraligatr has been given a signature move called Jaw Lock, which has a 30% chance to confuse and becomes a Water-type move.
- Furret has been given a signature move called Coil, which raises its speed by one stage in addition to its normal boost.
- Some changes have been made to abilities, such as Ampharos family getting Illuminate as a secondary ability and Delibird’s hidden ability being changed from Insomnia to Unburden.
- Cranidos and Rampardos have been given a signature move called Headbutt, which becomes a rock-type priority move with a power of 50. They also now have Rock Head as a secondary ability.
- Petal Blizzard is now a special move that hits both enemy Pokémon instead of being a physical move that hits your ally.
- Karate Chop now has the same effect as Brick Break.
- Vice Grip now has a 50% chance to lower the target’s speed and becomes a Water-type move with a power of 60.
- Mega Punch and Mega Kick have had their accuracy increased to 100 and 85, respectively.
- Some minor stat changes have been made.
- The mystery gift has been changed to an Ash Greninja re-run.
- Pokémon with Coil Up will now regain the Coiled status after using the move Coil or Glare.
- Other miscellaneous changes and fixes have been made.

Guide :
here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install and play GBA ROMs on Windows, Mac, and Android devices:
Note: Downloading ROMs of games that you do not own is illegal and is not condoned.
Installing and Playing GBA ROMs on Windows:
Step 1: Download an emulator
There are several GBA emulators available for Windows, but VisualBoy Advance is one of the most popular and reliable options. You can download it from its official website: https://vba-m.com/
Step 2: Download a GBA ROM
You can find GBA ROMs online, but be sure to only download ROMs of games that you own. A good website to download GBA ROMs is Pokemerald.com
Step 3: Extract the emulator and ROM files
Once you have downloaded the emulator and ROM, extract them to a folder of your choice.
Step 4: Open the emulator and load the ROM
Launch VisualBoy Advance and click on File > Open to browse for the ROM file you downloaded. Select the file and the game should start.
Installing and Playing GBA ROMs on Mac:
Step 1: Download an emulator
There are a few GBA emulators available for Mac, but mGBA is one of the most popular and reliable options. You can download it from its official website: https://mgba.io/
Step 2: Download a GBA ROM
You can find GBA ROMs online, but be sure to only download ROMs of games that you own. A good website to download GBA ROMs is Pokemerald.com
Step 3: Extract the emulator and ROM files
Once you have downloaded the emulator and ROM, extract them to a folder of your choice.
Step 4: Open the emulator and load the ROM
Launch mGBA and click on File > Open to browse for the ROM file you downloaded. Select the file and the game should start.
Installing and Playing GBA ROMs on Android:
Step 1: Download an emulator
There are several GBA emulators available for Android, but My Boy! Free – GBA Emulator is a popular option. You can download it from the Google Play Store.
Step 2: Download a GBA ROM
You can find GBA ROMs online, but be sure to only download ROMs of games that you own. A good website to download GBA ROMs is Pokemerald.com
Step 3: Transfer the ROM to your Android device
Connect your Android device to your computer and transfer the ROM file to your device. You can use a USB cable or cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox.
Step 4: Open the emulator and load the ROM
Launch My Boy! Free – GBA Emulator on your Android device and click on the folder icon to browse for the ROM file you transferred. Select the file and the game should start.
That’s it! With these steps, you should be able to install and play GBA ROMs on Windows, Mac, and Android devices.
How can I obtain [Evolution Stone]?
- Evolution stones can be purchased in Lilycove Department Store after obtaining 4 badges.
Are all Pokémon available in this game?
- Every Pokémon is available in some form, except for some Mythicals and Legendaries that will be added in a future update.
What does the “Surprise Me” option in starter selection do?
- It randomly gives you any first-stage Pokémon, except for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon.
How can I evolve Pokémon that require trade?
- Visit the Name Rater’s house in Slateport and talk to the Tradeback Guy. Choose the Pokémon you want to evolve and it will evolve without trading.
How many badges do I need to access the Egg Move Tutor or TM Move Tutor in every Pokémon Center?
- You need 6 badges to access the Egg Move Tutor and 8 badges to access the TM Move Tutor.
Can I change my Pokémon’s abilities and natures?
- Yes, you can change a Pokémon’s ability to its normal ability using an Ability Capsule, which can be purchased in the house behind the Pokémon Center in Oldale Town. To change to its hidden ability, you need an Ability Patch, which can be obtained in Pacifidlog Town in exchange for 1 Yellow Shard.
How does [Pokémon] evolve?
- You can check the in-game Pokédex to see how a Pokémon evolves, as well as its base stats, abilities, movesets, and EV yield.
What is the shiny rate in this game?
- The shiny rate is the same as in vanilla Emerald, but using the DexNav is highly recommended for shiny hunting.
Which Mythical/Legendary Pokémon are obtainable?
- The following Mythical/Legendary Pokémon are obtainable: Articuno, Moltres, Mew, Entei, Ho-oh, Lugia, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Heatran, and Shaymin.
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