Pokemon Adventures Red Chapter tries to closely follow the Pokemon Adventures manga and includes almost all the events. Some events have been changed to make them longer. The game won third place in the PokeCommunity Hack of the Year competition in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Download Pokemon Adventures Red Chapter GBA Rom
- Creator: Aethestode (rockmanmegaman)
- Version: Beta 15 + Expansion Pass Fix C
- Hack by: FireRed
- Updated on: October 25, 2020
Be sure to check out Pokemon Light Platinum
It is recommended to start a new game with Beta 15.
Some emulators seem to be having trouble playing this game. VisualBoyAdvance (VBA, not VBA-m) for Windows and MyBoy! for Android seem to work fine.
- Updated graphics
- Red, green, blue and yellow playable
- Character Customization
- mug shots
- day and night system
- Multiple Regions
- New battle backgrounds
- New music
- Level cap increased to 255
- Split into physical/special
- Reusable TMs
- EV and IV stats checker
- Mega Evolution
- Fusion Pokemon

Pokemon Adventures Red Chapter
Note: This version includes the Kanto region and the Orange Archipelago + The Beginning of Elite Four
This will be the last major update for Red Chapter Volume 1. Future updates will focus solely on fixing game bugs. Volume 2 is in development.
Q: When will the next update come out?
A: The Rom Hack will no longer be updated. There will be a sequel in the form of Volume 2, but this will be a PC fangame.
Q: Which emulator works best with this rom hack?
A: For Android, MyBoy seems to work perfectly. For Windows, Visual Boy Advance is recommended.
Q: How far does this hack go?
A: It ends a little after Orange Islands. It will continue in the form of Vol. 2 which will be an RPGXP fangame.
aethestode, MrDollSteak, DoesntKnowHowToPlay, Darthatron, Peetzaahhh, Jambo51, JPAN, Danzen the real 1, Soloo993, Thedarkdragon11, Computer Max, xSky, C067912881, Blizzard, Umbralwisp, Ruki, Naren Jr
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