Pokemon Eclat Pourpre 2 is a Completed Pokemon GBA ROM Hack based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated in October 19, 2023.
Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Eclat Pourpre 2 GBA Rom
- Creator: Mickey
- Version: Completed v2.0
- Hack of: Pokemon FireRed
- Updated: November 2019 (Original – French) / October 19, 2023 (English Translation)
- Language: French & English
Also, be sure to try out Dragon Ball Z Team Training.
Four years after the release of the first version of Pokémon Eclat Pourpre, we return with Pokémon Eclat Pourpre V2!
Don’t think about seeing Eclat Pourpre 2, by that I mean, no new region, no new main story. On the other hand, this V2 brings many new features: quests, Pokémon, game modes, enough to spend long hours playing!
There are many new features, improvements and surprises to discover in Pokémon Eclat Pourpre Version V2!
The adventure of the first version of Pokémon Eclat Pourpre has been preserved. On the other hand, new cities, new roads, new locations and many other additions have been added to the game’s content.
Here are the main new features and what you can find in this V2:
- New cities, new roads and new places
- More than 1000 Pokémon (all generations are fully present and catchable)
- Added a day/night system and 4 seasons; this new feature is graphic but also influences different elements of the game (wild Pokémon, forms of Vivldaim/Haydaim, etc.)
- Added a new game mode: Pokémon competitions (entirely invented system)
- The Combat Tower has been improved: the difficulty level is progressive, and the fights are more strategic
- The Battle Tower is now part of a Battle Zone with several attractions
- Added Mega-Evolution: collect gems in your Gem Box and mega-evolve during battles
- Appearance of an underground! Dig up rare items and spheres and trade them
- Old places and roads revisited (we have also reduced the quantity of tall grass for a more fluid game)
- New Pokédex with automatic zone
- New Start menu
- New worldmap: no more bugs and addition of a function to fly faster
- We can now choose the appearance rate of shineys: 1/400 or 1/8192 (the original rate, allowing the use of RNG); the Pokéradar is still present and does not change
- Bug fixed: Shiny Pokémon no longer have identical natures/stats within the same game
- Pokémon that transform into battle (Cériflor, Exagis, Meteno, etc.)
- Return of the motorcycle
- Level of wild Pokémon adapted according to the chosen difficulty
- Special forms when giving an object (Giratina, Shaymin, Arceus…)
- New items, some of which can be used in combat; added Talent Pill
- New evolution methods and new special abilities from recent generations
- Several menus have been revised: Pokémon menu, map, battle screens…
- Pokémon no longer block roads
- EV and nature bonus viewer
- Fixed mapping errors
- Many bugs fixed, among them: text bugs, placement of elements on the screen, wrong palettes, trainer card, weather, Square Duo, invisible objects, Wailmer/Poocarnage sprites, PC full…
- Many other new features improving the game experience!
After several testing phases, we have not found any bugs or problems. However, it is very likely that some elements have slipped through the cracks; If you find any problem (crash, script error, mapping error, etc.), please notify us, we will release the necessary corrections.
Attention ! In certain cases, completely randomly, the game can suddenly stop. Don’t panic, your game is not lost and you can resume your adventure where you saved, the game will not stop in the same place again.
This bug was detected during a test, but the majority of testers were able to complete the adventure entirely without encountering this problem.
Since this bug is completely random, it is impossible for us to correct it.

Team & Credits
Mickey, Raizen & A Start Gaming (English Translation)
There were two of us who thought about and worked on the project: Myst and myself, Mickey`.
Fortunately, we were not alone! Many people have helped us, either directly by providing us with sprites for example, or indirectly by helping us on a point, or even through the creation of software. Therefore, we would like to particularly thank the people below:
- Lu-Oh for its essential Advance-Map and its Tileset Animation Editor;
- HackMew for its XSE script editor, for APE, for A-Trainer;
- FBI and Karatekid552 for their numerous ASM research and their help;
- Unifag for its assistance;
- Arnik for his sprites;
- Diegoisawesome for its software and its excellent scripting tutorial;
- thethethethe, Darthatron and the team that created Item Editor;
- Exodrake for his help with the music;
- link12552 for NSE;
- D-Trogh for NTME;
- King Garrett Goting for Text Hex Editor;
- loadingNow, HackMew and Link for Unlz-GBA;
- Silver314 and Link for YAPE;
- Scizz for A-Text;
- All people who provided tilesets;
- WesleyFG for part of the fighting funds;
- Niats, Tdam011, Yago for their help with testing.
We also thank the following players for their help in the testing phases: Goinfrex, kiros97, Arck0, Bigdil51, Cliketi, Griizly92, Styx, Mataryos, benji26sang, Arthamex, Arnik.
- You: if you think you are unfairly absent from this list, let us know! We can’t think of everyone, we probably just forgot.
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