Pokemon HarvestCraft is a GBA Rom Hack by RuFF based on Pokemon Ruby in english. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on Thursday, August 17, 2023.
Download Pokemon HarvestCraft GBA Rom Hack
Creator | RuFF |
Language | English |
Version | v2.0 |
Updated | August 17, 2023 |
Also, be sure to try out Pokémon Omega Ruby.
21 years ago, Pokemon lived in harmony in the forests. The Pokemon there were ruled by the Pokemon Trevenant.
One day a group of people came and started cutting down trees and building houses. There was no longer a home for the Pokemon. Not knowing what to do, the Trevenant asked the Harvest Goddess for help. The harvest goddess reacted quickly and tried to punish the people. But she fell in love with one of them and his name was Eric who also fell in love with her. So the harvest goddess forgave Eric and his fellow citizens. Trevenant didn’t like her decision, but he had no choice until he learned that when the Harvest Goddess marries a human, she loses all her powers and passes them on to Trevenant – a thing the Harvest Goddess didn’t know about herself.
It wasn’t until 2 years later that they got married (that’s a long wait, huh?). At the end of the wedding, the Harvest Goddess tried to conjure up fireworks with her powers, but it didn’t work. That’s when she realized that she had lost all her powers, but she accepted it because she is happy with her husband.
Trevenant wonders why he still doesn’t have the powers of the Harvest Goddess, so he asks Kappa, the Harvest Goddess’ brother. Kappa said that he will not receive the powers of the Harvest Goddess until the birth of the Harvest Baby (Kappa was unaware of Trevenant’s plan). One day Kappa managed to figure out Trevenant’s plan to lure the people of town into a trap and kill the Harvest Baby, so he tried to stop him but he failed. Kappa was trapped in a mine. Kappa told Trevenant that someone can stop him.
A year later, the harvest baby is born. At this time, Trevenant has acquired the powers of the Harvest Goddess and begins the attack. He traps the people of the city with cursed trees. The Harvest Goddess and Eric tried to escape by putting the baby in the basket. Eric and the baby escaped but the Harvest Goddess was out of luck, she was trapped with the other humans in town. Eric escaped town with the baby. Knowing that Trevenant was after the baby, he left him outside a foster family’s home. (Why?!? Isn’t it safer with you!?!?)
You’re 21 years old and you’re about to start your journey, but suddenly you’re being held captive in the city by Trevenant, just for fun. Did he do something very bad to catch you in town too? Can you stop this nonsense and the townspeople?
- Weather System
- It sometimes rains every Spring, Summer and Fall and sometimes snows every Winter. Weather affects the energy lost when you do work.
- Scripted Time and Day
- Time changes only if you go through Maps. NPCs move around the town depending on time and day.
- Seasons
- Seasons changes every 30 days. Changing Season affects the items found and wild Pokemons encounter in the Woods.
- Farming
- You can plant Apricorns any season except Winter. Up to 6 Apricorns can only be planted.
- Ranching Pokemons
- Torchics, Skiddos and Gogoats.
- New Berry System
- Berries found regrow everyday by random.
- No Gym Leaders and Elite Four
- Shop Owners give you badges when you defeat them and Trevenant will serve as the Champions battle.
- Some new Pokemons
- Some Pokemons from Gen 4 to Gen 6 (May not have the correct Cry, Movesets, and Method of Evolution).
- Cooking and Crafting
- Cooking food to replenish Your Energy and Your Pokemon’s Health. Crafting tools to help you on your work.
- New Items
- Such as foods, apricorns, and other resources.
- Energy Mechanics
- Energy decreases when doing work. You can replenish your Energy by eating or sleeping. Maximum Energy gained when you sleep is determined by the number of badges.
- Bachelors and Bachelorettes
- Love System
- Fairy Type
- Fairy Type Pokemons and Moves.
- New Moves
- New moves doesn’t have new animations or effects. Just some animations that I think it will suit them.
- And more fun features to discover by yourself

Evolution Changes
- Dusclops – Dusk Stone – Dusknoir
- Phantump – Dusk Stone – Trevenant
- Pumpkaboo – Dusk Stone – Gourgeist
- Eevee – Sun Stone – Espeon
- Eevee – Moon Stone – Umbreon
- Chingling – Happiness (Any Time) – Chimecho
- Budew – Happiness (Any Time) – Roselia
- Sneasel – Dawn Stone – Weavile
- Nosepass – Dawn Stone – Probopass
- Yanma – Lv 33 – Yanmega
- Piloswine – Dawn Stone – Mamoswine
- Pancham – Lv 32 – Pangoro
- Eevee – Dusk Stone -Glaceon
- Eevee – Dawn Stone – Leafeon
- Eevee – Pixie Stone – Sylveon
- Spritzee – Pixie Stone – Aromatisse
- Swirlix – Pixie Stone – Slurpuff
- Graveler – Level 35 – Golem
- Onix – Level 30 – Steelix
- Haunter – Level 35 – Gengar
- Snorunt – Dawn Stone (Any Gender) – Frosslass (Will Turn Female if its a male)
- Kirlia – Dawn Stone (Any Gender) – Gallade (Will turn Male if it’s a female)
- Combee – Level 21 High Personality – Vespiquen
- Gligar – Max Happiness – Gliscor
- Aipom – Level 32 – Ambipom
Note: You can’t use your old save from Ver 1.1. Sorry 🙁
Minecraft Creators and HarvestMoon Creators for the idea.
Sprites – The DS-style 64×64 Pokémon Sprite Resource [COMPLETED]
Gen VI Sprites – Gen VI: DS-Style 64×64 Pokemon Sprite Resource
Item Crafting Script – Korronensu from the PKSV (This Gave Me this Idea)
Geoisevil from DeviantArt – Gogoat OW
Barubary from the Spriters Resource – Torchic OW
even after patching it.
it keeps going back to the main menu cinematique every time even if i press something honestly i love the idea of the game but…….. what’s the point if i cant play it. 🙁