Pokemon Theta Emerald Ex is a GBA Rom Hack by LCCoolJ95 based on Pokemon Emerald. This game is currently available for download and was last updated on February 27th 2017.
Download Pokemon Theta Emerald Ex GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: LCCoolJ95
- Version: February 27th 2017 update
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: February 28 2017
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Team Magma Edition!
Pokemon Theta Emerald Ex based completely on Pokemon Emerald and designed to make the game harder as well as include a bunch of new features mainly from later generations which I shall discuss later. This game does not make any huge changes from the original Pokemon Emerald if you’re talking about story, characters, or things like that. You’re still playing through the normal Pokemon Emerald as far as pure game elements go.
This game is a new, beautiful way to play Pokemon Emerald though and it is a great game to do a Nuzlocke off as well (I personally nuzlocked this game while playing).
- 721 Pokémon: Every Pokémon from Bulbasaur, all the way to Volcanion, is in this game, and they are all available to catch!
- 600+ Moves: All moves (up to Gen VI) are in the game, and work as they do in Gen 6!
- Proper Physical/Special Split: I mean, why not?!
- 100+ Abilities: All abilities (up to Gen VI) are in the game, and work as they do in Gen 6!
- Fairy-type: Fairy-type has been included, and given to their respective Pokémon and moves!
- New/Updated Items: There are battle ready items to collect, where they can be bought, or found on wild Pokémon!
- Item Pocket Extension: I couldn’t find a better way to say it. The Main Items Pocket has been extended to hold 200+ Items!
- 100+ REUSABLE TMs: How else can I describe it haha!
- Proper Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion: I hated the way Mega Evolutions were in the dumb alpha, so it works as intended now!
- Battle Frontier Updated: I did this for the fun of it. The Battle Frontier has no limits to which Pokémon you bring (You can use your Mega Rayquaza holding a Life Orb). But the Trainers there are allowed to use them as well 😉
- Running Indoors: Way more convenient, in my opinion.
- New Repel System: Instead of hunting through your bag for a Repel, the game will ask you if you want to use another one!
- Gain EXP from capturing a Pokémon: Now with no more Pokédex glitch!
- Deletable HMs: THANK GOD!
- Level 1 Eggs: No other way to describe this!
- New Battle Backgrounds: It makes it look a little more updated!
- Harder Difficulty (as of 2-5-2017): I’ve received complaints of the game being too easy, so the game has been adjusted accordingly.
- Level 250 (as of 2-5-2017): 7.8/10 too much level
- To avoid losing your TMs/HMs, it is advisable to steer clear of the Battle Tent.
- Entering a Pokemon Contest may cause the game to freeze.
- Touching the board in the Trainer School in Rustboro can result in the game freezing.
- Teaching your Pokemon Hydro Pump from the boy in Fallarbor Town can cause the game to freeze.
- In Mauville City, the game may freeze when Mareep is sent out by one of the trainers in a double battle. To prevent this, opt for a single battle.
- After completing the game, some new Pokemon may appear on the hall of fame screen as one of the original 386. This could be due to a limiter somewhere.
- When leveling up, some new Pokemon may have a different colored icon if they leveled up outside of battle. A limiter needs to be fixed somewhere to address this issue.
- When selecting multiple Pokemon in a box, some new Pokemon may have a different colored icon. This is another issue related to an unknown limiter.

- Patch of Pokemon Theta Emerald Ex Rom hack
- Patcher application (click Ignore checkbox when patching)
Pokemon Theta Emerald EX is a great game, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. The combination of all the spiffy new features with the increased difficulty of this game makes this a beautiful, new way to experience Pokemon Emerald.
If it were not for some unpolishedness in the game and a bunch of small glitches, this game would be up to a 9/10 or higher, but because of those things disrupting my flow and spoiling my experience a bit, I am going to be giving it an 8 out of 10.
LCCoolJ95, DizzyEgg/KDS, MrDollSteak, Chaos Rush, Sky High/SBird, Starfall321, Blue, PurpleOrange, Drayano
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