Pokemon Emerald Rom Docal (Emulator) is a GBA ROM Hack by Heiner 291 based on Pokemon Emerald in English. And it’s now available for download. It was last updated on November 13, 2022.
Creator: Heiner 291
Version: Completed
Hack by: Emerald
Updated on: November 13, 2022
Also check out Pokemon Inclement Emerald Hack by Buffel Saft based on Pokemon Emerald..
The goal behind this hack was to create an Pokemon Emerald Rom hack that is not as easy as most of the usual Rom hacks, but also not as difficult as Emerald Kaizo or Radical Red. The author wanted to create a hack that You can’t do it on the first try, but you don’t need 100 tries either.
- Hard early-game (that only the chosen ones may proceed)
- The middle part is doable if you’re observant, but still no joke
- E4 + Champion is hard
- You can almost catch the full national Pokedex (386 Pokemon) with legendaries being the exceptions. So all the encounters are changed.
- Every Trainer has Gym leader AI and custom teams
- EVs of the enemy mons increase throughout the game (especially since this makes the early game so hard before you have access to Vitamins)
- All the Gym Leaders have 6 Mons
- There are only a few optional trainers
- Slight map changes
- Some areas have permanent weather effects and you have no access to weather moves
- Grass tiles in every city for an encounter
- Unlimited access to Rare Candys (to reach the level caps without excessive grinding)
- Unlimited Vitamins (not since the beginning)
- Almost every PokeMart has exclusive Items like TMs, Berries oder Battle Items
- In-game trades are changed and have quite good DVs (not perfect DVs)
- 15 hidden Move Tutors with unlimited re-teaching – Find Them!
- Heart Scales are buyable
- TMs are re-useable
- Set-up Moves are either banned or limited in PP
- Very few changes in level-up attacks (no dragon dance – to buff bug pokemon they got the move quiver dance, which is basically dragon dance since bug moves are physical. Or Scizor gets Signal Beam, Kingdra gets Dragon Claw, etc.)
- TMs like Rock Smash got buffed
- Trade Evolutions are changed to either Level-up or Evolution-Stones
- ALMOST ALL WEAKER POKEMON GOT BUFFED STATS – this means there are almost no mons with less than 480 base stat – which makes you able to use a big variety of teams
- Almost all fully evolved mons have a second possible ability or have their bad ones changed

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