Download Pokemon My Ass GBA Rom Hack by Lucas Urso and Bobby based on the Pokemon Fire Red Codebase/Engine in English. Pokemon my ass Rom It was last updated on October 17, 2018.
Download Pokemon My Ass GBA Rom Pre-Patched

Creators: Lucas Urso and Bobby
Version: Completed
Hack by: FireRed
Updated on: October 17, 2018
Also check out Pokemon Rom Soulsilver.
What is GBA Rom
GBA ROM stands for Game Boy Advance Read-Only Memory. It refers to the digital copy of a video game that was released for the Game Boy Advance handheld gaming console. The ROM is a copy of the game’s software code that is stored on a computer file and can be played on a variety of platforms, such as emulators or flash cartridges.
Pokemon my ass ROM can be downloaded from and played on emulators, which are software programs that simulate the Game Boy Advance’s hardware on a computer or mobile device (Visual Boy Advance or mGBA Emulator)
- The clothes are changed. Our protagonist will not wear a shirt, many of the NPCs will not wear a shirt and instead have a bare chest. I wonder if they are trying to show their muscles or not.
- Our gym leaders are also changed. You can see a lot of weird things like Brock with a… bikini (what, bikini?).
- The main goal of our main character is not the same as that of the others.
- The text has also been changed.
- You can experience many different events related to your Pokemon: the ninja squirtle in the sewers (Cowa Bunga!!!), fishing in a volcano, etc…
- At the moment you can buy Pokemon in the PokeMart. Just prepare enough money to do this.

Lucas Urso e Bobby
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