Pokemon OA Emerald is a GBA Rom Hack by gamercomix615 based on Pokemon Emerald Codebase/Engine in English. And it’s now available for download.
Download Pokemon OA Emerald GBA Rom Hack Pre-Patched
Creator: gamercomix615
Version: Completed
Hack by: Emerald
Also check out Pokemon AlteRed.
- First up are the mega evolutions. Yes, this part is special. You “mega-evolve” a Pokemon by using a Sunstone, “de-evolve” it by using a Moonstone.
- Many new Pokemon are from Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos. Surely you will spend a lot of time having them all. Be patient.
- The wild Trainers, Gym Leaders, and Frontier Brains will use new Pokemon in place of the old ones.
- You can have new evolutions from Gen IV.
- There will be Evolution Stones on wild Pokemon.
- Trade developments have been changed.
- Some minor changes to textures and tiles.
- Which Pokemon weren’t available in the original Emerald will be catchable, including Kanto and Johto.
- Many starter Pokemon can be caught in the wild areas.
- New guy fairy.
- Physical/Special split.
- Day/night system based on your real time clock.
- The menu sprites are updated by Gen VI.
- You can search for more double fights. This can be more interesting.
- The higher the levels of some trainers, the more experience points you can get.
New Pokemon
- Flabebe => (Level 19) Floette => (Leaf Stone) Florges
- Noibat => (Level 38) Noivern
- Zorua => (level 30) Zoroark
- Cheruby => (level 25) Cherrim
- Shelmet => (level 38) Accelgor
- Drilbur => (level 31) Excadrill
- Pancham => (level 32) Pangoro
- Golett => (level 43) Golurk
- Roggenrola => (level 25) Boldore => (level 40) Gigalith
- Litleo => (level 35) Pyroar
- Magnezone (Thunder Stone)
- Hawlucha
- Rufflet => (level 45) Braviary
- Croagunk => (level 37) Toxicroak
- Espurr => (level 25) Meowstic
- Shinx => (level 15) Luxio => (level 30) Luxray
- Alomomola
- Honedege => (level 35) Doublade => (level 48) Aegislash
- Carbink
- Lickilicky (Max happiness)
- Spritomb
- Rhyperior
- Skrelp => (level 40) Dragalge
- Clauncher => (level 37) Clawitzer
- Electivire (Thunder Stone)
- Magmortar (Fire Stone)
- Porygon-Z (level 40)
- Karrablast => (level 38) Escavalier
- Tynamo => (level 39) Eelektrik => (Thunderstone) Eelektross
- Peritop
- Cottonee => (level 28) Whimsicott
- Gible => (level 24) Gabite => (level 48) Garchomp
- Dedenne
- Gliscor (level 32)
- Weavile (Moon Stone)
- Buneary => (Max happiness) Lopunny
- Darumaka => (level 35) Darmanitan
- Mamoswine (level 51)
- Togekiss (Sun Stone)
- Honchkrow (Moon Stone)
- Mismagius (Moon Stone)
- Probopass (level 40)
- Roserade (Leaf Stone)
- Froslass (Moon Stone)
- Gallade (Moon Stone)
- Riolu => (level 24) Lucario
Mega Evolutions
- Mega Venusaur
- Mega Charizard X
- Mega Blastoise
- Mega Sceptile
- Mega Blaziken
- Mega Swampert
- Mega Salamence
- Mega Lati@s
- Mega Pidgeot
- Mega Camerupt
- Mega Sharpedo
- Mega Altaria
- Mega Metagross
- Mega Gardevoir
- Mega Gallade
- Mega Glalie
- Mega Lucario
- Mega Sableye
- Mega Mawile

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