Pokemon The Red & Blue Sequel is a GBA Rom Hack based on Pokemon Fire Red. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on August 24, 2023.
Download Pokemon The Red & Blue Sequel GBA ROM Hack
Creator | MatrixGBA |
Version | v2.1.2 |
Hack of | Pokemon FireRed |
Updated | August 24, 2023 |
Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Shattered Light.
Prepare for a new encounter with the Kanto region and immerse yourself in a whole new experience. Embark on a journey that begins five years after the original Pokémon base games were released. Reconnect with familiar faces from all generations, from the classic Red and Blue to the modern Sword and Shield.
A series of mysterious events are taking place in the enigmatic landscapes of the Sevii Islands. As a first step, conquer the Pokémon League and pave the way for your expedition to the Sevii Islands. Your task: You have to avert an impending danger that is looming on the horizon.
You start out in your hometown of Celadon City, where I’ve upgraded the department store to help trainers build a strong team with evolution items and battle items at the very start of the game.
You have two paths that you can take at the start of the game, you can either go down Route 7 or Route 16. Both paths end at Viridian city (which of course you pass through to get to the indigo league.)
When you go Down each of these pathways, you will find and battle famous trainers from many different points in the franchise. Once you defeat them, they will let you proceed through the path.
You are not blocked from progressing if you decide to skip on getting a gym badge. You can go back and get them at any time before going to Victory Road.
The story is multiversal. Characters from the anime and lesser known games show up, and you might even find multiple versions of the same character, each from a different universe. You will find the cause of this as you progress in the game.
You also get a pikachu and eevee as your starters. Pikachu holds a light ball, Eevee holds a lucky egg, however you can choose to evolve pikachu into Alolan or Kantonian Raichu (and eevee of course has all of its evolutions.)
Eevee can evolve into Umbreon via moonstone.
Eevee can evolve into Espeon via sunstone.
- Pokémon from generations 1-8
- new story
- Play in Kanto this fall! (The winter edition is coming one day!)
- Mega Evolutions
- Z trains
- Alolan and Galarian Forms ONLY!
- Semi open world
- Battle:
- New Gym Leaders
- New Elite Four and Champion
- Almost EVERY protagonist from other Pokémon games
- All Sinnoh and Kalos Gym Ladders
- Sinnoh Battle Frontier and Sinnoh Elite Four
- Wild Pokémon scale with the level of the lowest level Pokémon in your party
- Trainers have opposing Pokémon at the same level as the highest-level Pokémon in their party when battle begins.
- PokeMart expanded
- Celadon Department Store updated!
- Movement Tutors and FREE Rare Candy on the top floor of most Pokémon Centers
Known bugs
- The text during evolutions is messed up, but the evolutions themselves still work normally.
- Ability name text is incorrect, but the ability’s description on the Pokémon overview screen will show you its effects.
- Some locations (Route 10, 22, 23, and all Sevii Islands) have grass that doesn’t spawn wild Pokémon.

MatrixGBA (SacredGBC)
So I’ve found a few different things with the game that I didn’t know if you knew about that needed fixing so I thought I’d bring them up. Behind one of the houses in the city where the third gym is (I can’t think of the town name currently) is missing a fence texture and just shows up as a pink rectangle, there is a trainer in the grass area next to Diglett tunnel in the bottom right corner where the trainer is supposed to move back and forth I assume but he just walked straight into a tree constantly, A little over from that before you go through the little building that connects that area to the big old dock path there is a trainer that just walked straight into a pokeball loot but he does fix once you get the loop but I didn’t know if you wanted to fix that or not so I brought it up, there are a couple places where you can’t talk to signs because they’re like blocked off by a barrier or some other thing that prevents you from getting in front of them to see what they say, and I think there’s one above the third gym town, there is a pokeball loot that I couldn’t grab that in the little grass area to the right of Celadon, If you go to where Zapdos is the sprite that’s supposed to show him standing there actually shows dialga or it did for me But once I started battling him it said Zapdos and showed his correct Sprite in the actual fight. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a thing or not but you can basically buy infinite master balls. They sell for $0 and you can only buy one at a time but you can keep buying them and using them. I don’t know if that’s meant to be on purpose or what but I thought I’d bring it up just in case. I haven’t been through a lot of the places yet so that’s all I found and you may know these things and not fix them yet or maybe you had no idea but whatever the case I thought I’d let you know anyways.
Something I just started experiencing today was when going through the list of items you can purchase in the Poké Mart The game just freezes. Once I try to go past Max elixirs the game just straight up freezes. I’ve tried other Pokémon arts including the big store in Celadon and the game always freezes if I try to go past Max elixirs when trying to buy stuff.