Pokemon Orange is a GBC Rom Hack of Pokemon Crystal version of Pia Carrot. It is an available download in English.
Pokemon Orange GBC ROM Download
- Game Name: Pokemon Orange
- Remake of: Pokemon Crystal
- Platform: GBC
Generation I Pokemon games were based on colors like red, blue, green, and yellow. That’s where Pokemon Orange comes in, where it’s a ROM hack from Crystal, but the story takes place during the events or after Gen 1.
Pokemon Orange Rom hack is based on the Orange Islands, a location that appears in the anime. That said, this hack goes beyond Gen 1. We’ll tackle all the things that make this game what it is and what you can expect.
Also, check out the Pokemon Black 2 Extreme Randomizer.
Your character comes from the island of Valencia and you know the stories about the character Red from Pokemon Red, Blue and Green. You finally get your chance to be a trainer when you are supposed to bring the GS ball to Professor Oak, but that Oak is from the Alola region. Your adventure begins there, and you will write your own story.
The list of Pokemon in this game is very extensive. There are some Gen 7 Pokemon and those with their Alolan forms and the famous Crystal Onyx. There are also original Orange Island versions of some Pokemon. The stats are updated to Gen 7, and some things have been added or changed. Players can also explore the entire Orange Archipelago or Islands. New Pokemon calls have also been added and much more.
List of features
- Explore the Orange Islands
- Pokemon list goes up to Gen 7
- Added pinkan berries that work
- Clock reset NPC available
- Updated Moves and Learnsets
- Alolan and Orange Island forms for some Pokemon
- Values have been updated to Gen 7
- TMs are reusable
More information about the game:

- Console : GameBoy Color
- Genre : RPG
- Multiplayer : 1 player
- Year : 2017
- Developer : Pia Carrot
- Weekly Games : 2 Growing popularity