Pokemon Metal is a fan game made using RPG Maker XP, and the Pokemon Essentials in english. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on 28.10.2015.
Download Pokemon Metal RPG Maker XP Fan Game
Language: English
Creator: Poccil, Maruno & Flameguru
Version: Completed
System: RPG Maker XP
Update : 28.10.2015
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Jazmin.
Pokemon Metal is a non-canon, fan-made Pokemon game. The game was made using Enterbrain’s RPG Maker XP and Poccil, Maruno & Flameguru’s Pokemon Essentials Starter Kit. I started developing the game in 2012 but never finished it. In early 2014 I developed it again from scratch. This time I finished it.
Many of the characters in the game (especially the gym leaders and the Elite 4 members) are modeled after rock and metal musicians, hence the name “Pokemon Metal”.
Pokemon Metal takes place in the Arala region. Professor Oak has just moved to the protagonist’s hometown, Moon City. He invites the player into his new lab and gives him/her his/her first Pokemon and a Pokedex. Professor Oak sends the player on a journey to challenge Arala’s 8 Gyms and the Pokemon League while catching as many Pokemon as possible.
On his journey, the protagonist meets many different people and learns stories about Arala’s mysterious past. Many important people do their best to explain these mysteries, but always end up missing a few pieces of the puzzle.
The protagonist also encounters three different criminal organizations whose plans remain secret throughout most of the journey. What are they up to? Are they connected? Do they work together?
- A completely new, huge region;
- All Pokemon obtainable!;
- A lot of events after the Pokemon League (big postgame);
- 3 rivals;
- Half-open world;
- WoW-like quest system;
- Changed evolution methods for Pokemon that need to be traded;
- A lot of areas to investigate (Caves, mountains, islands, etc.);
- Offline Wonder Trade;
- Mega Evolution;
- 3 criminal organizations (Team Rocket, Team Aqua & Team Magma).
- Since all Pokemon can be obtained without any trading in my game, I was forced to change the evolution method for Pokemon that need to be traded in order to evolve. Here’s a list of the new evolution methods:
- Haunter – Gengar (Level 45);
- Kadabra – Alakazam (Level 45);
- Boldore – Gigalith (Level 38);
- Clamperl – Huntail (Water stone);
- Clamperl – Gorebyss (Shiny stone);
- Dusclops – Dusknoir (Dusk stone);
- Electabuzz – Electivire (Level 45);
- Graveler – Golem (Level 41);
- Karrablast – Escavalier (Level 22);
- Machoke – Machamp (Level 51);
- Magmar – Magmortar (Fire stone);
- Onix – Steelix (Level 40);
- Poliwhirl – Politoed (Moon stone);
- Porygon – Porygon2 (Level 35);
- Porygon2 – Porygon-Z (Level 45);
- Rhydon – Rhyperior (Level 54);
- Scyther – Scizor (Level 50);
- Seadra – Kingdra (Water stone);
- Shelmet – Accelgor (Level 22);
- Slowpoke – Slowking (Level up while holding the King’s rock during daytime);
- Gurdurr – Conkeldurr (Level up while holding the King’s rock during daytime);
- Inkay – Malamar (Level 30);
- Spirtzee – Aromatise (Level 26);
- Swirlix – Slurpuff (Level 29);
- Phantump – Trevenant (Dusk stone);
- Pumpkaboo – Gourgeist (Dusk stone);
- Eevee – Sylveon (Shiny stone).

Pokemon Essentials
- Poccil
- Maruno
- Flameguru
RPG Maker XP
- Enterbrain
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