Pokemon Emerald Crest is a GBA ROM Hack by Aaghat based on Pokemon Emerald in English. And it’s now available for download. It was last updated on July 8, 2023.
Download Pokemon Emerald Crest GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: Aaghat
- Version: v1.0.8.6
- Hack by: Pokemon Emerald
- Release: 09/05/2022
- Updated on: July 8, 2023
This hack contains the story of Vanilla Emerald with many new later generation features and some additional quests.
Also Check Out Pokemon Emerald Chaos Ambulation GBA ROM.
- Open World Mode
- 27 Starters
- Teleportation Service
- Mega Evolutions
- Generation 1-8
- Dexnav
- Pokedex Plus
- Randomizer
- Nuzlocke mode
- Mirror Mod/Thief Mod
- Auto Run
- Primal Forms
- Z-Moves
- Shared Experience (Exp. All)
- Reusable TMs
- Alolan Forms
- Galarian Forms
- Hisuian Pokémon
- Follow Pokémon
- Side Missions
- Pokémon storage system in the Start menu
- A dynamic trainer leveling system
- New summary screen
- New climb feature
- Wild boss updates (more wild bosses)
- Chain fishing
- Chaos Mode
- All Moves
- Run indoors
- Increased the dexnav hidden search probability by 10%
- Bag capacity increased (Max – 499 Items)
- Improved battle engine
- Item expansion.
What’s New!
- Chaos Mode is back!!
- Added Nature Mints
- Fixed Fiery Path
- Fixed broken ninja disguise
- Fixed Spotlight Event entrance fee
- Fixed Mossdeep City Space Center 2F Invisible battle OPW
- Fixed Triple Kick reducing PP twice
- Updated some in-game trades
- Fixed Ability Capsules
- Fixed Light Of Ruin freezing the game
- Fixed Devastating Drake freezing the game
- Fixed Flatter freezing the game
- Fixed disobedience using wrong move effect issue
- Removed Updating Wallclock (Prevents Breaking On Real Hardware)
- Added More Followers (GEN 5 completed)
- Fixed several Followers
- Updated the randomizer Generations (now choose gen 1-3 or gen 1-7…)
- Turn On/Off Exp Share from the Options Menu
- Added Checks for Hyper Training
- Fixed learning blank moves “-” when random moves are activated
- Fixed an issue where you can’t move items in Nuzlocke mode from PC to party
- Fixed Fairy Lock
- Fixed an issue where fainted mons were not sent to PC in Nuzlocke Mode during the double battle with Steven at Mossdeep space center
- Fixed Mimikyu’s Disguise
- Fixed Throat Spray Description
- Fixed Random starter not working
- Fixed include legendaries not working
- Fixed Nuzlocke double encounter bug
- Updated Easy, Normal, and Hard mode requirements
- Increased the shiny odds to 1/4096
- Updated Spotlight Events to run the entire day
- Fixed several other bugs
- And a lot of minor improvements
- Featured events.
- Fixed black screen issue when fighting some gym leaders.
- Fixed in-game corner prices for EXP Candys.
- Added more Wild Bosses (DNS).
- Fixed some follower sprites.
- Fixed several other bugs.
- And many small improvements.
- Added some GEN 5 followers (41/155)
- Fixed some broken followers
- Fixed several moves
- Fixed Ability PopUp freezing
- Fixed terrains freezing the game
- Fixed opponent personality when swapping
- Fixed obedience Level
- Added beast ball
- Fixed Slateport Market
- Fixed Scott at Route 119
- Fixed Bad Egg Issues (Box 3 WT)
- Fixed Hidden Mystery Gift
- Fixed several other bugs
- And a lot of minor improvements

Your old savefile should work but If you want to use the randomizer/nuzlocke features you will have to start a new game.
Previous version
Installation Instructions
To play Pokemon Emerald Crest, you will need to have a Game Boy Advance emulator installed on your device. We recommend using Mgba for Windows, Linux, and Mac, or My Boy! for Android devices.
Once you have downloaded the emulator, follow these steps in How To Patch to play Pokemon Emerald Crest
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